This season of my life … Terrible Friend

Prior to having kids I was on TOP of my game.

Prior to kids – At our wedding shower from our church

I called or texted on birthdays, anniversaries, just to check in, etc.

I could remember my grocery list without a list. My husband would say we need something I would always remember it. Very few times would I forget anything.

AFTER kids – when mom brain hits

AFTER having kids I’m pretty sure I became a hermit. Not intentionally, I might add.

I was never really a person that went and done much anyway but when motherhood hits stuff just changes.

Mostly for the good but there is some bad …

After having kids my mind was shot. (Mom brain is a real thing here ladies and gents!)

Now I do good to remember birthdays or anniversaries on a regular basis (unless it is in our immediate family and sometimes I’m still terrible at that …)

I do text to check in with some of my friends as I remember and have time.

It might take me six months to answer that text you sent me. I’m not ignoring you. I honestly thought I responded to you already (and I’m pretty sure I did, just in my mind and since we are not mind readers you know how that goes).

A ‘grocery’ shopping trip …

Now, grocery shopping I have to have a list. Sometimes I forget things that are on the list because of, you know, making sure my children do not stray from me. Sometimes, even when the sole purpose of leaving the house is to go grocery shopping, I forget the list.

This season of life

My life basically revolves around seasons of all sorts.

It revolves around planting season. Then, there is summer. Harvest season then hits. All of a sudden winter is here again.

How I look at all of this in my life is it is just a different ‘season’ in my life.

Post grocery shopping trip – eating snacks & getting a drink

I’m trying to get better. I’m really working on getting better at this whole friend thing again BUT you want to know, honestly, I am happy with my life revolving around our little family.

The season my life is in right now is them. Our family. Our kids. Our farm. Growing together and growing stronger.

And you know what? I am totally A-OK with that.👌

One day I am going to miss the fact that I could forget to respond to a text.

I am going to miss my kids.

I am going to miss being in this season.

So, for this season I’m going to soak it all in.

Soak in this season of being a terrible friend while mothering toddlers.

As for being a terrible friend, etcetera – I promise I will come back and be better but for now I am completely content with not being the friend that I once was.

I will be back but I’m too busy enjoying the little moments like watching my kids play in the muddy puddles …

Just playing in the muddy puddles…

2 thoughts on “This season of my life … Terrible Friend

  1. Love it! Real friends understand. I don’t farm but I have one friend in particular that we can go literally weeks maybe a month of missed calls, texts but it’s okay we both know life is different now and we when do talk that doesn’t even phase us. I’d say youre a rockstar of a mom, yo go girl!

    1. Thanks Brittany! It doesn’t matter to me if you farm or not – motherhood and friendships BOTH take time in this season of life and I feel that if I fail at the friendship part that I’m hopefully doing better in the motherhood department. I wouldn’t guarantee that though! 😂💁

      YES! I have friends that we haven’t talked in months (some even years) BUT when we do talk it’s like we’ve talked the entire time.
      Never miss a beat.
      It is SO refreshing to have those friends. I think every mom needs at least one friend like that! 💓

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